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I Got My Butt Kicked in Aruba - 17 Jan 2024

Jillian Scribs

Updated: Feb 11, 2024

Crystal and I decided to get up early to see the sunrise at the southern point of the island. We drove to the southern point of the island to Sero Colorado Lighthouse. Well, they call it a lighthouse but it's really more liek a lamppost. On the way, I saw the Red Anchor, but since it was still dark the pictures didn't come out.

We made it to the lighthouse. What do you think?

We walked out to Colorado Point Scenic Overlook to wait for the sunrise. The wind was so strong it was hard to stand straight. Pictures were really hard to take because it was impossible to hold the camera still.

Not the greatest sunrise but it was pretty.

We explored a little of the area. There were some roads we were nervous to go down because of how rough they were. But I love just wandering around, you find the best things that way.

This is Seroe Colorado. We had to abandon the car on the road and walk to it. So pretty. We wondered why there were so many crosses on the beach. Later we learned it was the Dog Cemetary.

Since we were so close to Baby Beach and it was everyone in the group's favorite beach, we stopped by. There were about 7 dogs sleeping on the beach. They all made themselves a little nest.

This is one of the best beaches for little kids. The break wall helps eliminate the undertow and waves.

Here is our route.

Since I had to work, Crystal dropped me off at the Airbnb. We meet up for lunch at Pika's Corner. It was great. Crystal and I shared a beef skewer with fried yucca and pancake with garlic and cheese. A sugar cookie for dessert.

Now you are probably wondering why the title of this entry involved my butt getting kicked. Well hold on because this is where the day takes a turn.

Everyone had decided that it would be a fun and gorgeous experience to go horseback riding on the beach at sunset. Before I continue, I want to let you know I grew up with horses. I showed them, I broke bones and had sprains from riding (well falling off while riding).

We were picked up at the Airbnb and driven to the ranch. We signed our waivers and were divided up by experience. Next time, I will pretend I don't know what a horse is. We all mount up. We have 5 in our group, plus 3 siblings and 2 gauchos. 1 doesn't speak English, but he's at the back just in case.

I was given Maximo, our leader's horse. My instructions were don't let him eat and stay in the back because he doesn't do well with the other horses. Sure, no problem!

Off we go. I'm the second to last horse, the only speaks Spanish gaucho behind me. By the way, he seems to think I speak Spanish for some reason. Maybe my coloring??

This puppy was so sweet and so scruffy.

It was a gorgeous ride to the beach. We went through the desert with cacti and hills. Just amazing.

I am riding along taking pictures and videos. And making sure Maximo doesn't eat every cactus we pass, which he attempts.

We ride for over a mile before the beach comes into view.

Just before we get to the beach, our leader tells us to make sure to keep reins tight because they love to roll in the sand. As we are approaching the beach, Maximo decides to roll. I couldn't get off in time and he rolls on my ankle but other than losing my shoe, I get out of the way. I grab his reins and he comes up rearing. Then proceeds to turn around and kick me. I saw it coming and moved enough he only kicked my right buttock. He knocks me down. I am mad, there are snakes out here. That dumb horse could have got me bit.

I get up and the Spanish gaucho rounded Maximo up. I get back on and get lectured to keep the reins tight. Maximo does not like tight reins. I don't think Maximo likes much, other than to eat.

So, we head to the beach. To get there we have to go down a steep, rocky path. Now you are probably picturing this huge open beach area. You would be wrong, this patch of sand, aka the beach, would hold about 4 cars. We have 10 horses in our group. Since Maximo has to be last, there isn't much room for us. He plows into several horses and promptly drops to roll again. I jump off. He's rearing and bucking, so I am moving out of the way to avoid getting kicked again. The leader hands me the camera to take pictures of everyone and deals with my horse.

As I turn to start taking pictures, one of the other horses drops to roll. I run over to help her and get the horse up. Maximo is still throwing a horsey fit. The back up Spanish gaucho can't handle his horse. It's chaos. I want to point out that I didn't drop my phone! Our leader decides we are done and going to head back to the ranch. He walks my horse out of the beach area and tells me to get on.

I have to be honest, I don't like this horse. I am not happy with him. I do not want to keep riding him. So of course I got back on. The Spanish gaucho can barely stay on his horse. Crystal's horse, a Tennessee Walker, wants to run. She was struggling to keep him in line. Although he was pretty doing that prancing. The Spanish gaucho is yelling at us. Maximo decides he's done. He starts rearing and bucking. I was holding on with one hand (English saddle), my cell phone clutched in the other. This was the first time I was nervous. There were so many rocks, I was afraid I would crack my skull open if I fell. The leader comes back and I got off. Maximo runs off into the desert. Stupid horse.

I walked over a mile back to the ranch. At the back of the line, breathing all the dust. Praying I wouldn't see a snake, get run over if Maximo came back or stomped by the Spanish gaucho behind me. I was furious. In a way it's good thing I had to walk so far.

Not one person at that place apologized or asked if I was ok. It took me a few hours, but I can laugh about it now. Although I don't think I will doing a sunset ride any time soon.

After all that, we went back, got cleaned up and went to dinner. Sadly, we leave Aruba tomorrow. We walked to Quinta del Carmen for dinner. The place was gorgeous! The food was great.

Can you tell I have a horseshoe bruise with broken skin on my butt?


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