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Aruba - 15 Jan 2024

Jillian Scribs

Updated: Feb 11, 2024

Today was a roller coaster of emotions. Well, you will see, keep reading.

We got up early to see the sunrise. We drove to Sasarawichi Dunes.

I think it was worth getting up early.

We then got Starbucks! The first coffee since I got here. In case, you aren't aware, I hate the taste of coffee but love the caffeine. Starbucks has the perfect delivery.

Then I bought a phone. As much as I travel, I should have a backup one, especially since it's my camera. I did not realize how much I rely on my phone. It was not a comfortable feeling being without it.

I had to work, so back to the Airbnb for me, while everyone else went to the beach. Don't feel bad. I had a friend join me. He hung out with me all day.

Once work was done and everyone was back from the beach, we got ready to go on a party bus.

This is where the day took a nosedive. While on the bus Jamie got word from home regarding a medical emergency. Now I mention this here for 2 reasons. First, it happened. Second, I was so impressed with the staff. They went above and beyond to help and support us. Including calling a taxi and waiting with us until it got there. I can't say enough about the wonderful people we have met in Aruba.

Here is the route.


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